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Metatronic Healing is guided by the angels of Metatron is basically brings about changes in one’s life and destroys all emotions that are destructive, confined to limited beliefs and ancient traumas.

This form of healing gives you the space to express your innermost feelings and removes all past baggages from your mind that are haunting you.

Dr. Shisham Bansal Aggarwal is here to promote this knowledge as a science and not as a myth.

She is a renowned astrologer, tarot card reader, numerologist & holistic healer.


As human beings, all of us carry some past emotions in our inner souls which are mostly subconscious. These arise within us right from the time we are in our childhood stage.

Metatronic Healing gives us the innermost strength to reach the roots of our past emotions and helps us come out of these inherent emotions and stories and in the process makes us move away and become more complete human beings.


What is Metatronic Healing?

Metatronic healing is a new form of angelic healing which is overseen by the Archangel Metatron.

It changes lives beyond what one has ever comprehended.

Metatronic healing takes one to those places within our soul and body where the core issues of lour lives are engraved.

The healing penetrates these cores and transforms these negative emotions and energies into more creative and useful energies.

This gives a new life to the person who is undergoing this form of healing.

Metatronic Healing also brings about a balance and strength within the body and soul of the person who is getting healed.

It is a healing modality that utilizes the inherent energies of Lord Metatron and helps you throw away all negative past baggages you are carrying unconciously.


Lord Metatron is the name of an angel in Judaism. He guides you and seals you in the energy of love. The pupose is to transform you into an all pervasive love body. Lort Metatron is believed to be the most supreme of angels as is seen as the highest of the ‘recording angels’.

Metatron is also belived to be one of the members of God’s countenance which is an honor that only few angels get. He is also usually referred to as ‘the Prince of the Countenance’.

Lord Metatron is also one of the youngest and most junior of the Heavanly hosts. In the Targum and Talmud, he is considered to be direct link between God and humanity.

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